Write a Friend Month

Rusty Here,

Dear Silver and Copper,

Boy, has it been awhile sense I have talked to you guys!  Did you know that December is Write a Friend Month? When I read this, I couldn’t help but write a letter to my best dragon friends.

This year has gone by fast and we didn’t have as many adventures as we would have liked.  But we are best friends and the memories we’ve made will be cherished forever.

Remember flying around at the sculpture park taking funny pictures?  And flying to Valley fair and the Water Park last summer was a blast!  I also loved it when we flew around town singing and dancing like no one was watching.

I hope school is going great for you!  Can you believe we’re almost half way through the year?  I miss you!

I am going to fly up to Arctic over Christmas break and see you.  There’s nothing better than making Christmas cookies with my besties.

Until Next Time,


Image result for cartoon dragon nurse

Rusty Here,

We are approaching the end of November and there are a lot of holidays and causes to in the month. One special holiday / cause that is important to me is National Diabetes Awareness Month.

In the Ogilvie School near me, there are kids who have diabetes. Everyone in school wore blue one day this month to emphasize Diabetes Awareness.

There is always a diabetes walk/run (of course I fly) to raise money for this cause. Friends and teachers wear bandannas with student’s name who has diabetes. We invite everyone in the community to participateit’s an all-day affair.

When I fly around the track with my friend’s, we make it a competition to see who can get the most laps in. We enjoy supporting the students in our school and people all over the world who have diabetes.

Until Next Time,


Rusty’s Thanksgiving

Rusty Here,
This is the time of year families gather and have big meals. My owners, Linda and Elmer came together with their family in Minong Wisconsin. They had the traditional food people eat for Thanksgiving: ham, turkey, potatoes & gravy, squash and two kinds of pies! They had pumpkin and apple slathered in delicious whipped cream. Good food for people, but that wouldn’t do for a dragon.
I flew with them to Minong, to find some tastier morsels. I was tired of the Norwegians and the Swedes who live around here. I wanted more exotic fare – I feasted on a German, a Dane and a Chinese person! Num! Very good.
That food made me me tired, so I took a little nap before flying back home to Ogilvie.
I am thankful for my friends, family, and of course my owners Linda and Elmer.
I am thankful for all you who read my blog and check out my Facebook page. I am also thankful for my bestie, Kalista who works so hard to make me look good all year round.
Until Next Time,


Rusty Here,

In less than a month it’s Turkey Day!  The holiday is celebrated with family and friends. Everyone cooks a lot of food for the day.  The day is called Thanksgiving.

I have been flying around looking for different foods to make for this special day. Mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, and sweet potatoes are must-haves at my house. The bad think about this holiday is it so close to Christmas and I tend to eat a lot on both holidays.  I have to be careful not to eat so much that I can’t fly!

Thanksgiving is a time where you thank people for things they have done for you. I will be thanking my creator Elmer for keeping me on my toes and for always making sure my eyes shine bright red so people can see me in the dark. He also makes sure I can blow flames that will delight (and scare) people when they drive by.  I have many more people to thank but I leave the thanking to do until Thanksgiving Day.  Drive by and say hello!

Please take time to thank the people who help you too.

Until Next Time,


National Cat Day

Rusty Here,

Today October 29, 2018 is National Cat day! Now let me tell you how much I enjoy cats. Not only are they cute and furry but they love to chase me as I fly around. I must be careful how hard I laugh at the cute little things chasing me, when I blow out fire they get a little scared.

If you have a cat, spoil them and give them a big hug. If you don’t have a cat, your missing out. Go adopted a new friend. I have many cats that run around me and my owner Linda can’t get enough cats.   Just a small hint if you like cats Linda will like you a lot more!

Until Next Time,


National Nut Day!

national nut day

Rusty Here,

October 22 is National Nut Day!

I love this time of year, watching the squirrels gathering and storing their nuts for the winter. As I fly around, I can see how busy they are working hard to amass enough food to survive the long winter. They seem to enjoy their activity knowing they’ll have delicious nuts to eat when winter settles in.

I like to be a healthy dragon and when it comes to nuts there are three that are the best for me. Pistachios are my favorite. They may be a funny color, but boy do they taste good! Almonds are good too. I like to snack on them before I go to bed. The last nut that I really like is cashews.  To me, they taste as yummy as chocolate. I keep telling myself, just one more. Just one more.

Why don’t you try pistachios, almonds and cashews? They taste delicious AND they’re healthy snacks.

Until Next Time,


Get Organized Week – October

Rusty Here,

Today is October 8th. Last week was Get Organized Week.

I would like to say how much I love my owner Linda, but boy does she need help organizing. She is usually a pretty organized person, but if you saw her desk you would think otherwise.

I am not a very organized dragon, there are bones scattered all around my space.  It’s kind of a mess, I know I should be neater, but I think it’s less time-consuming stepping around things than putting them away.  Organizing might not be my favorite thing to do, but helping people is something I love to do.

Since it was Get Organized Week, (and to make Linda happy), I will start organizing my space.  If you are messy like me, I challenge to you organize something.  Big or small, just start.

Let me know how you do!

Rusty’s Memories


Rusty Here,

Summer flew by and school is already started. Summer is over, and boy was I busy.

What a joy summer was. I traveled to different states and even went to some National Parks. My family and I have created many great memories with our adventures.

The Minnesota State Fair already here.  One of my favorite memories was when, Linda, Liane, Cheyanne, and I attended it.  After walking around for a while, we started to get hungry. Can you guess the first thing we saw that we wanted? If you guessed funnel cake, you’re right.  They were the size of your face! Our reaction was priceless. I think we each ate one.

We enjoyed it, but then we went on the rides.  That was a mistake. If you ever make your way to the State Fair, try a funnel cake they’re delicious, but eat them after the rides, not before.

Until Next Time,



Rusty’s Fair Trip

Rusty here,

Last month I went to the county fair in Mora. I met up with some friends everyday of the fair. There’s many rides and a huge variety of food.

One of my favorite things are the pigs. I love looking at the different sizes and colors of the pigs. My favorite out of all the pigs is the mom with baby piglets. I even got to touch one of them.

My favorite food at the fair is the funnel cakes. They are sweet, and they just melt in your mouth. If you haven’t had a funnel cake I highly recommend it. I flew around with a sugar rush for about ten minutes. The best thing to drink with it is the lemonade. You can’t go to the fair without getting lemonade. It’s fresh squeezed and so delicious.

The last thing that needs to be done when going to the fair is going on the Zipper. It is scary at first, but once you go once you will want to keep going again. That’s how fun the ride is. The Zipper flips you forward and backward you just never know which way your going to flip. The surprise moves are the fun part. The only difficulty to riding the Zipper is fitting my wings into the cart.  I had the duck down low and then squeeze myself right on in.

Now the bad thing is waiting until next year to go to the County Fair.

Until Next Time,


Rusty’s Family Weekend



Rusty Here,

I’m back after a fun filled weekend at the sculpture park with my family.

My family and I flew to the Franconia Sculpture Park Sunday. It was so amazing that my mouth dropped open. I think a couple little flames even came out. The weather was very hot, so the first stop was the freezer filled with Freezes; I grabbed a blue raspberry one and went exploring.

It was incredible how creative the artists were in designing the sculptures. There were big ones and small ones. There was a big playground that had swings where two people at a time could swing on one swing. Almost everything in the park was made from metal.

My favorite part of all was the big tree house that was in the woods. I flew up into it and saw a desk, beside it were two beds (one on the floor and the second was made from netting material). It felt like you were laying on a hammock. It was a big tree house that I would love to have.

After leaving the sculpture park we went swimming. It started to rain, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time. We even had a picnic and played on the beach. Overall it was a great day.

Until Next Time,