Rusty Is In Highschool!

Depositphotos_18212529_xsRusty here,

This year I’m in the high school and boy is it scary. I started a few weeks ago and I still don’t have the hang of it. Everyday my locker jams, I’m just having a really rough time. Silver and Copper seem to be doing fine; I must just not be a high school type of dragon. I like all my classes though I have English, Algebra, Physical Science, Gym class, Band, and Dragon-ology. The class I like the most is Dragon-ology, because I get to learn about my ancestors, did you know that some dragons have 4 toes and some have 5. I thought that was crazy all of the dragons I know have 5! Anyways this week is homecoming and we all get to dress up. Monday is tie die day, Tuesday is hat day, Wednesday is pajama day, Thursday is camo day and Friday is team spirt day. I have all my outfits picked out for the week I think I will have the best outfits all week, well I hope so anyways. On Friday it’s the football game and after that it’s the dance. I’m thinking about asking this girl in my grade to the dance but I don’t know yet. But I better catch you later before I miss the school bus.

Until next time Rusty

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