National Ice Cream Day

Rusty Here,


Hello everyone, I hope you guys enjoyed the warm weather this weekend! Silver, Copper, and I all defiantly soaked up the sun. This weekend was very busy for us as we wanted to be outside all weekend. Friday night we had a game night at the lair. One of the games was like a scavenger hunt. Silver, Copper, and I all walked around outside and wrote down different objects we wanted each other to find. Can you guess what we did next?! If you said make it a race and the winner gets ice cream you were correct! In case you wanted to know I won of course! But we all celebrated and ate ice cream. Saturday and Sunday consisted of nature walks and watching movies. This weekend was a blast!

Did you know that today is National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day?! If you didn’t get your bowl of Ice Cream in this morning have some Ice Cream for dessert. If you really love Ice Cream like me eat it as your meal for dinner. What’s your favorite kind of Ice Cream? My favorite kind of Ice Cream in Neapolitan!


Until Next Time,




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