Mud, Mud, And More Mud!

Rusty here, with all this nice weather we’ve been having, it’s made quite a mess. There’s mud everywhere. When you think of dragons, you don’t typically think of mud, but I love to go mudding. Most people need cars or four wheelers, not dragons. We just use ourselves, first we fly up, then we dive to the ground and do kind of like a tuck and roll thing, before you know it your sliding, and rolling all over in the mud. When you hit the mud it feels like I turn into a mud monster. The cool, wet, and stinky mud sticks to my scales, and you can’t even recognize me. Sometimes I like to sneak up on my owners and scare the bejeebers out of them. They don’t like me in the mud and try to keep me out of it, they say it makes too much of a mess, but a little mud never hurt anyone. Well if you are looking for something to do on such a nice day like today. Come stop out and visit me, after all I am a sight for sore eyes. Until next time, Rustymud dragon for article

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