
Rusty Here,

In less than a month it’s Turkey Day!  The holiday is celebrated with family and friends. Everyone cooks a lot of food for the day.  The day is called Thanksgiving.

I have been flying around looking for different foods to make for this special day. Mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, and sweet potatoes are must-haves at my house. The bad think about this holiday is it so close to Christmas and I tend to eat a lot on both holidays.  I have to be careful not to eat so much that I can’t fly!

Thanksgiving is a time where you thank people for things they have done for you. I will be thanking my creator Elmer for keeping me on my toes and for always making sure my eyes shine bright red so people can see me in the dark. He also makes sure I can blow flames that will delight (and scare) people when they drive by.  I have many more people to thank but I leave the thanking to do until Thanksgiving Day.  Drive by and say hello!

Please take time to thank the people who help you too.

Until Next Time,


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