National Relaxation Day!

Rusty here,

I hope everyone has had fantastic week!  I’ve been trying to enjoy the weather with my friends outside.  Even when it was rainy out, there is still lots of ways to make the most of the day.  Puddle jumping/splashing is my personal favorite.  Getting outside and just spending time with good company is one of my favorite things to do.  That reminds me… this Saturday is National Relaxation Day!  As for me, my favorite way to relax is grabbing my shades, and heading to the beach with Copper and Silver.  I was a little under the weather earlier this week so, this weekend, putting all my worries away and laughing with my friends and spending time outside my dragon lair is just what the doctor ordered!  But some days, I don’t even need to leave home to find peace and relaxation.  Sometimes relaxation is a quiet evening reading a book, or just binge watching my favorite show on Netflix all day. I’ve been really into Fuller House lately but I’m always open to recommendations!  Especially in these times, I believe it is important to find what helps you relax and make sure you are taking care of YOU!  What are some ways you guys like to relax?  Whatever it looks like, make sure you take time for yourself this Saturday and just relax and enjoy your life!

Until Next Time,


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