Happy Halloween!

Rusty Here,

SNOW in October!  Can you believe it?!  Don’t let the snow fool you though, Halloween is still on!  If you guys are like me, you might struggle every year choosing your costumes.  There is just so many neat costume to choose from, its hard to pick just one.  This year, my friends and I, Silver and Copper, are going with a group costume, the 3 blind mice!  I am so excited to fly around house to house trick-or-treating to collect lots of candy!  Have you guys decided on your costumes yet?  I think going as a dragon would be a perfect costume, but maybe I’m just bias.  If you haven’t decided yet, don’t worry, there is still lots of fun Halloween activities to inspire you!  My favorite thing to do when October rolls around, is carving pumpkins!  It’s a fall tradition in our family.  Another thing I like to do during this season is make lots of spooky treats.  My all time favorite is making those Pillsbury cookies with the little pumpkins or mini ghosts pictures on them.  They’re so easy and SO yummy, you can’t go wrong!  I also recommend going to at least one haunted house or hay ride.  They are very thrilling and really get you in the halloween spirit!  However you celebrate the Halloween season, whatever costume you choose, I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween night!

Until Next Time,


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